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Going Bananas!!!
Wednesday 27 March 201312:06

Considering the fact that the main language here in China is Mandarin, I soon learnt how not being fluent in the local language hinders the communication process.

After dinner, my new friend and translator, Cherry, brought us to Chunxi Road to explore more of Chengdu, a land unfamiliar to me. Chunxi Road is one of the main shopping districts in Chengdu. There were clothing stores, restaurants, bookstores and convenience stores like China’s own 7-Eleven – Wo Wo

In one of our many adventures exploring we stopped by a fruit stall where I was interested to purchase a bunch of bananas. Instinctively, I approached the shopkeeper and this was how the conversation went in Mandarin.

Me: How much for these bananas?

Shopkeeper: We don’t sell it this way.

Me: (At this point, I was slightly confused) So how do you sell it?

Shopkeeper: We don’t sell it this way. (The shopkeeper started to frown and lose her patience)

Me: Then how much? (I looked around confused)

Shopkeeper: WE DON’T SELL IT THIS WAY!!!

At this point, Cherry noticed the commotion and intervened. She explained that in China they sell their fruits by weight. In contrast, we normally purchase pre-packaged fruits. This is why I was confused when the shopkeeper said that they ‘don’t sell it this way’.

I did not realize how much language barrier can hinder communication. As such, my new year’s resolution is to master Mandarin so that I can communicate with my fellow pandas in China!

I finally got my bananas!


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